Waking up,
Growing up
Integral Polarity Practice allows people to connect practices from their specific philosophical or spiritual tradition to a universal process of human development that enables the skillful navigation of life's tensions and paradoxes. In this way, IPP leads us through the divisive forms of polarization that have ripened in so many societies and gridlocked political systems. As John has demonstrated, a thoughtful IPP practitioner who becomes more adept at finding the inner 'still point' within all polarities is well on the way to unlocking increasingly deeper expressions of creativity, loving care, and effective leadership. Such inner experiences draw us closer to the center of what it means to be human and also foster clarity about how to co-create ecosystems of flourishing for all.
What is IPP?
Integral polarity practice is a spiritual, life, and group practice. It enhances interrelated individual and collective healing, integration, flourishing, and transformation, whether the collective is a family, an organization, a community, or nature—ultimately including all of these dimensions in a comprehensive ecosystemic context. IPP provides a rich practice that can complement any approach to spiritual belief, life, work, and leadership in the world—all of which are inevitably deeply interconnected.

Video Overview of IPP
Our Membership Options
By becoming a free or paid member, you will gain access to video Introduction to IPP course, the Introduction to the six Primal and four Concrete, Polarities monthly online live offerings. With the paid memberships ( $19.99/mo OR $199.99/year) more in-depth courses will engage in the first six Primal Polarities that we are all born with, and the four Concrete Polarities that come online in our childhood, including:Video overviews of each polarity, basic and advanced group video facilitation of each polarity, One-on-one audio facilitations of each polarity, Video group facilitation of the 40 Virtues associated with these ten polarities, Audio meditations for each of these virtues. There are currently more than 80 hours of audio and audio/visual instructional content on this site. We will be adding similar content for the rest of the 18 IPP polarities and other content. As members, you will be notified via our newsletters of any fresh content uploaded onto our YouTube channel and any upcoming workshops.
Offerings Sponsored by the IPP Institute
Throughout the year we offer online courses and one to three-day in-person courses and workshops (Events). See the Courses and Events tabs.
One-on-one guidance in IPP is a powerful way of achieving personal centeredness, integration and growth as well as becoming a more effective leader in family, professional and community endeavors. John is available by appointment for private coaching in this regard. See the Courses tab
John is available for speaking and teaching on various applications of IPP, such as IPP as a meditative practice; IPP as a spiritually based character and virtue practice; IPP in support of interrelated individual, organizational, and ecosystemic flourishing; IPP in support of flourishing leadership. See the Courses tab.
IPP is a powerful tool for discovering higher order solutions to challenges that arise within organizations and communities and for engendering greater organizational and community success and flourishing . Contact John for consultations in this regard. See the Courses tab.
John is certified as a scorer of the STAGES developmental assessment tool. If you’re interested in learning more about your personal development–both challenges and opportunities–contact John to arrange an assessment