Integral Polarity Practice in Service of Leadership for Flourishing
by John Kesler (Author), Lori Forsyth (Editor), Jon Ogden (Editor)

Integral Polarity Practice in Service of Leadership for Flourishing is an important contribution to the emergence of a broad social movement aimed at the promotion of holistic flourishing for all. Integral polarity practice (“IPP”) is an individual and organizational practice that offers a meta-platform that promises to help us all get “unstuck” from our personal and collective limitations. It allows people to connect practices from their specific philosophical or spiritual tradition to a universal process of human development. This then enables the skillful navigation of life’s tensions and paradoxes. In this way, IPP leads us through the divisive forms of polarization that have ripened in so many societies and gridlocked political systems. A thoughtful IPP practitioner who becomes more adept at finding the inner ‘still point’ within all polarities is well on the way to unlocking increasingly deeper expressions of creativity, loving care, and effective leadership. Such inner experiences draw us closer to the center of what it means to be human and also foster clarity about how to co-create ecosystems of flourishing for all. This is important reading for all leaders – and our global polycrisis is calling us all to be leaders.