Our Membership Plans
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With your monthly membership, you will have access to learn the art of Integral Polarity Practice (IPP) through several online courses and other content. Each course, including An Introduction to IPP, is comprised of several modules, designed asynchronously, allowing you to go through them at your own pace. You can look at overviews of IPP polarities, sit in on the recording of basic and advanced classes on IPP polarities and virtues facilitated by John. There are also one-on-one audio facilitations by John for the listener and meditations for each of the IPP Virtues.
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Get access to IPP meditations, intro courses and more.-
Intro to IPP Course
Polarity Overview Course
Monthly Live Offerings
Monthly Membership
All the IPP courses & resources for one low monthly price.-
Intro to IPP Course
Polarity Overview Course
Guided Meditations
Basic Primal & Concrete Polarity Facilitation Courses
Basic IPP Primal Polarities Facilitation Course
Advanced IPP Primal Polarities Facilitation Course
Basic & Advanced one-on-one Polarity Facilitations
IPP Virtue Facilitations
Monthly Live Offerings
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Annual Membership
All the IPP courses & resources at 20% off the monthly price.-
Intro to IPP Course
Polarity Overview Course
Guided Meditations
Basic IPP Primal & Concrete Polarity Facilitation Courses
Advanced IPP Primal & Concrete Polarity Facilitation Courses
Basic & Advanced one-on-one Polarity Facilitations
IPP Virtue Facilitations
Monthly Live Offerings
Pay yearly and save 20%.
Membership Benefits
Current offerings on this site address the first six IPP polarities we are born with, called the Primal Polarities, and the four concrete Polarities that come online in our childhood. As we grow and mature and receive training, we become increasingly aware that we strengthen our awareness and optimal functionality and thrive as human beings by bringing our highest awareness to these polarities. Through December 2023, similar courses and content will be added, covering all four polarity tiers, encompassing 18 IPP Polarities.
As members, you will be notified via our newsletters of any fresh content uploaded onto our YouTube channel and upcoming workshops.

Intro to IPP Course
This is seven module introduction to integral polarity practice. The first five modules are around ten minutes each and provide an overview of the essential elements of IPP. The last two modules comprise an interview about an overview of IPP and the origin story of IPP.
Polarity Overview Course
IPP polarities are primary polar dynamics that are central to our lives that we encounter as we grow through the spectrum of human development. We learn how to embrace both poles of these polarities and the fields of consciousness/energy.
Basic IPP Facilitation Course
These courses are comprised of a video of a basic facilitated class session of over one hour using voice dialogue, meditation and discussion for each of the six primal polarities and each of the four concrete polarities together with a one-on-one audio facilitation of about ten to fifteen minutes to support a student in experiencing and practicing working with each of the primal polarities and each of the concrete polarities. The course also includes video facilitation sessions of each of the four virtues for each primal polarity and for each concrete polarity and audio meditations for each of these virtues.
Advanced IPP Facilitation Course
These course are comprised of a video of a more advanced facilitated class session of over one hour using voice dialogue, meditation and discussion for each of the six primal polarities and each of the concrete polarities together with a one-on-one audio facilitation of about ten to fifteen minutes to support a student in experiencing and practicing working with each of the primal polarities and each of the concrete polarities in a deeper way. The course also includes video facilitation sessions of each of the four virtues for each primal polarity and each concrete polarity and audio meditations for each of these virtues.
IPP Virtue Facilitations
These video virtue facilitations ay be studied and experienced on their own or folded into the basic and advanced IPP facilitation courses. These are videos of a facilitated class session of approximately forty minutes using voice dialogue, meditation, and discussion for each of the four Virtues for each of the six primal polarities for a total of 40 sessions.
Guided Meditations
These guided meditations may be studied and experienced on their own or folded into the basic and advanced IPP facilitations courses. There are meditations for each of the four Virtues for each of the six primal polarities and each of the four concrete polarities for a total of 40 meditations. Each of these meditations is about five minutes long to support a student of IPP in experiencing and internalizing the IPP Virtues.